Saturday, January 24, 2009

Back to the Grind

Well, I am finally back at work. I was really starting to get board staying at home so it's nice to be able to put my mind back to use again. However, sitting at a desk all day isn't the best for a bad back. Overall, I am doing okay, but this has helped me realize how much further I have to go before I am fully recovered. While my leg pains are much better, my lower back hurts more know than it did before the surgery. Patients, patients, patients.


Cathy Woodruff said...

Glad to hear your back to work... staying home on bed rest sucks. Having a constant backache must suck even more... Hope your feeling better!

Beth said...

Yeah! We can comment again! I hope your back is feeling better.

stevewitten60 said...

I think I messed up my comments when I tried to reset it so everyone could comment.