Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Dog's Life

Clover is by far the best dog we have ever owned. If it wasn't for his constant shedding he would be perfect. The street our new house is on is pretty step, especially when you recently had back surgery. Because of this, I haven't been taking Clover for walks like I used to. The poor dog is getting fat and lazy.

However, when Amber came down to visit us over the Christmas holiday, she took clover the to dog park several times. It is only about a seven minute drive from the house - very convenient.

That's one of the great things about having kids. While they are young you spend a lot effort trying to enspire them. Then when they get older, they get to return the favor. Amber really inspired us to to be more diligent in taking clover out. Crystal, Tania and I have all taken to the dog park since Amber left. He totally LOVES it.

Clover never spends much time around other dogs so when he was around them he didn't know how to act. He is become much more doggy-socialized now. It's funny though, he likes to run and chase other dogs but quickly becomes bored and comes back to us. That is until the next dog runs by then he runs off and chase them. However, he still really doesn't know how to play. When the other dogs start jumping up and stuff Clover just looks confused.

Unfortunately, all the recent rains have prevented us to keep up this good habit. We will just have to try to make sure to start up again when the weather improves.
Hey Amber - Clover thanks you!


Beth said...

Where is the dog park? We need a back recovery update.

stevewitten60 said...

Where is the dog park? On Avenida De Las Flores next to the 23 freeway.

I'm sure I do request, but maybe my next post will be a back recovery update.