Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Third Shoe Dropped

In an earlier blog I told you all about my big screen TV breaking, only to have it followed up by the television in my bedroom stop working a few days later. I also mentioned that these things always happen in threes.

Well today the third shoe dropped. My computer completely died on me today. (I am writing this post on my Tania's computer) In terms of $$ it's not a big deal because the computer is owned by JDPA. Because I travel so much, my work computer is a lap top. Because of this, my work computer is also my personal computer (don't tell Dave Power).

So now I am delegated to watching TV only in bedroom on a small crappy television whose color goes hay wire 2-3 times a day and can only use a computer to distract myself when Tania is out of the house. I had some one from work pick up the computer tonight. Hopefully the IT guys can fix it quickly or find me a loaner computer use.

The silver lining is at least the third thing that broke was something that I don't have to pay money to fix.


Beth said...

The other silver lining you can relax, you don't have to wonder what the 3rd shoe is! Your third thing broke, it's over! Did you get your TV fixed or are you getting a new one?

How's your back healing?

stevewitten60 said...

The big screen TV got fixed. Then the next the cable box on it broke. They replaced the box, so now I finally got very thing working again.